Lodi, CA.
TEL: 209-464-7376


ac·cu·rate (ak'yoor it, -yer-) adj. [L accuratus, pp. of acurare < ad-, to + curare, to take care < cura, care: see CURE] 1 careful, and exact 2 free from mistakes or errors; precise 3 adhering closely to a standard [an accurate thermometer] -SYN. CORRECT -ac'cu·rate|ly adv. -ac'cu·rate·ness n.

Chances are you all have seen my work, as I have been a licensed repossessor in the State of California since 1989. And if you have experienced my work, I know we will be able to carry on that great business relationship that we shared in the past.

Back in 1996 to have more control over the way a company should conduct it's business daily, I decided to carry my experience into a company of my own to better serve the client.

Expect great communications throughout the handling of cases, as it is mandatory that our adjusters carry a cellular phone with radio. Expect "peace of mind" since you have nearly zero liability in the recovery of your collateral. Accurate Adjustments, Inc. has a Tow Truck on the scene of every Repossession, Indoor Storage for collateral, and more than adequate Insurance Coverage and bonding.

We accept all suggestions to make both your job, and ours, a more pleasant, efficient and fulfilling one. To be involved in the repossession industry isn't just a business, it's a way of life. It takes the right people to be able to handle the demands of this profession! We are effective, efficient, professional and thorough while at the same time always practicing safety for ourselves, as well as your customers. To sum it up, the job will be done "Accurate!"


Shane Freitas
President - Accurate Adjustments, Inc.


©1996-2024 Accurate Adjustments, Inc.

1210 Auto Center Dr, Lodi, CA. 95240
State License No RA 1298